Pastor's Pack December 2022


Dear Pastor,

We hope you and your family had a joyous and peaceful Christmas! Your EQUIP family wants you to know how much we appreciate you and recognize the impact of your partnership. 2022 has been a record breaking year and with your help we have successfully expanded the Kingdom of God.

This past month John met with our board to share with them how many souls we have seen come to Christ in 2022 alone! In this video, John expresses his heart as he does the big reveal. You will be moved by what we've done together.

In addition, this month, we wrapped up another successful country transformation in Papua New Guinea. Lives were transformed and we were able to do this thanks again to you and your partnership.

As we close out 2022 we rejoice at all God has done, but we know the best is yet to come in 2023 as we reach more souls and more students in the US and abroad!

In the rest of this email you will find graphics and resources you can use to share with your churches so they can see the work we are doing together to change the world for Jesus Christ.

Thank you again! We are praying you have a blessed and prosperous new year!

God bless you!

John C. Maxwell and the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, James Marape.
John C. Maxwell and the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, James Marape.
John Maxwell and the Maxwell Leadership Foundation addresses a group of Local Leaders at the Senisim PNG training.
John Maxwell and the Maxwell Leadership Foundation addresses a group of Local Leaders at the Senisim PNG training.


Resource Highlight

Please take this moment to hear from John Maxwell on the impact iLead, Maxwell Leadership Foundation's youth content, is having around the world! We’ve seen the incredible impact of iLead in millions of students around the globe, but now we have the opportunity to Bring It Home in 2023, beginning in the public schools of South Carolina! All we need is your support to help make it happen.

Now, I ask you to be partner with us for 2023 ... as we Bring it Home to expand iLead to the U.S., even as we continue to grow around the world! If you'd be interested in learning more, in partnering as a church or have questions, please contact Katlyn at

Check out recent content from John C. Maxwell

Partner Connection